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By Caroline Hroncich From BioPharm International
2 min read
FDA Reiterates Decision on Suffixes in Biosimilar Naming
A Federal Register notice from FDA addressed comments on the guidance on Proprietary Naming of Biological Products and the agency’s...

Carolyn Y. Johnson, The Boston Globe
4 min read
Behind potent drug names, a complex mix of ingredients
Drug names start out as alien words: random collections of syllables that can sometimes seem almost as mind-boggling as the complicated...

Jeffrey I. Mechanick
9 min read
New diagnostic name for stigmatizing term obesity
The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) and American College of Endocrinology (ACE) proposed Adiposity-Based Chronic...

Mike Pile
4 min read
The creative science of coining drug names
With more than 30,000 proprietary drugs in the United States alone, coming up with a unique brand name is no easy task. Cialis, Eliquis,...
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